Extreme Medical Services Novel and Episode 472

MedicCast Audio Podcast for EMT Paramedics and EMS Students show

Summary: Top EMS safety concerns, school nurses get narcan, and the MedicCast turns 10. Plus we’ll have an interview with my about my EMS paramedic novel Extreme Medical Services. If that’s what you’re looking for, you found it, right here on this week’s episode of the MedicCast.<br> The MedicCast is a proud member of the <a title="ProMed Network site" href="http://promednetwork.com/" target="_blank">ProMed Podcast Network</a>.<br> <a href="http://studentloangroup.us/podcast"></a>This episode is sponsored in part by our student loan consolidation and forgiveness partners at <a href="http://StudentLoanGroup.us/podcast" target="_blank">StudentLoanGroup.us/podcast</a>. And also brought to you by <a title="Med Math Book" href="http://medmathsimplified.com" target="_blank">Med Math Simplified</a>. Check out the new book for nurses, students and other medical professionals on Amazon, or your favorite bookseller online. Get it on <a title="Amazon Med Math Simplified link" href="http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;field-keywords=med%20math%20simplified&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;sprefix=med%20mat%2Caps%2C169&amp;tag=themediccastp-20&amp;url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&amp;linkId=PEOAZ4JTRW3TJGOA">Amazon.com</a>.<br> MedicCast Episode 472<br> Good day and welcome to this week’s episode of the MedicCast. I’m your host, Jamie Davis the Podmedic and I’d like to welcome you to this week’s show. In this week’s EMS news items we’ll be looking at one interesting article I found on the top EMS safety concerns that providers and supervisors have.<br> Then we’ll have a special tip segment where I get interviewed for a change. Chris Montera, the GeekyMedic sat down with me and my editor, Sam Bradley to talk about my EMS paranormal novel Extreme Medical Services. Find out how I came up with the idea for the book and what I’m doing next for the new novel in the series coming out in just a few weeks. We’ll find out later in the show after the news.<br> Also, I’ll be recording interviews in the <a href="http://Physio-Control.com" target="_blank">Physio-Control booth</a> at <a href="http://emstoday.com" target="_blank">EMS Today</a> at the end of this month and I want to meet you so come by and say hi and check out the amazing EMS patient care tools from Physio while you’re there. I look forward to seeing you.<br> News:<br> <a href="http://www.emsworld.com/news/12159644/top-10-safety-concerns-for-ems-released-in-new-report" target="_blank">EMS Safety Concerns Listed in NAEMSP Report</a><br> <a href="http://www.emsworld.com/news/12159444/pa-school-districts-stock-naloxone-in-nurses-offices" target="_blank">Naloxone Now in Pennsylvania Schools</a><br> <a href="http://mediccast.com/blog" target="_blank">MedicCast Turns 10</a><br> EMS Tip of the Week: Extreme Medical Services EMS Novel<br> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Medical-Services-Fringes-Humanity-ebook/dp/B014Q1EVEO/ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til?tag=themediccastp-20&amp;linkCode=w01&amp;linkId=FAEJV3KOPLXTSFJI&amp;creativeASIN=B014Q1EVEO" target="_blank"></a>“Extreme Medical Services” is the EMS focused Urban Fantasy novel from I wrote and published back in September 2015. Chris Montera, the Geekymedic, interviewed me and my editor Sam Bradley about the book and how I came up with such a fun topic and story for the readers. It’s the story of a new paramedic who gets assigned to a mysterious station on the outskirts of his city that responds to provide EMS care to the creatures of myths and legends. I thought it would be good timing to release this special interview since I will be releasing the second book in the series in just a few weeks. The Paramedic’s Angel will be out for readers by the end of February, just in time for EMS Today in Baltimore. Here’s that segment with Chris, Sam, and I at EMS World Expo, recorded in the Physio-Control Podcast Studio.<br> Links:<br>