The Robert Scott Bell Show - October 06, 2015

The Robert Scott Bell Show - show

Summary: If you didn't already need enough reasons to avoid Burger King, customers who ate a Whopper since its latest make over have experienced a strange phenomena, as their GMO toxic dye laden treat is turning customers poo an emerald green! In a bombshell admission, the Oregon shooter has been confirmed to have been on SSRI's! Back on the subject of deadly toxins, there has been another string of huge victories for the clean food movement, as a multitude of companies have elected to remove high fructose corny syrup, among other toxins, from their products. Lets keep this unstoppable force moving in the right direction for health freedom world wide! Speaking of unstoppable forces in the health world, the 2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology was given to three researchers who made pioneering contributions to the treatment of parasitic diseases, which affect tens of millions globally, with a completely holistic remedy! Tu Youyou was recognized for her work on the anti-malarial drug artemisinin, a natural product derived from wormwood, with origins in ancient Chinese herbal medicine, likewise, co-recipients William Campbell and Satoshi Omura were cited for their research on a treatment for roundworm using the drug ivermectin, a derivative of a natural product found in soil bacteria. And to end the hour RSB will address the latest slew of propaganda out of the vaccine industry, as TIME magazine attempts to sell the idea that vaccinations are simply like bananas. Are there any medical doctors who use homeoprophylaxis? Of course, but you never hear from them in the mainstream pharmaceutically-conflicted media. Never fear, The RSB Show is here (from Dallas) to introduce you to Dr. Harry Van der Zee, who traveled from the Netherlands to reveal the extraordinary success stories using homeopathic medicine in Africa. Are we in the midst of an evolution of mankind, or just its medicine? How is it that doctors are able to separate the spiritual from the physical? Get ready for some medical synthesis as we integrate metabolic medicine designed to address the whole person in recovery, even from syndromes and diseases as deadly and AIDS and malaria. Sometimes it takes going within to break the cycle of molecular reductionism and a fear based paradigm of patented, synthetic drugs. Dr. Van der Zee shares his incredible journey that eventually led to the essence of healing he found in homeopathy. What is it about immunocompromised patients diagnoed in to the syndrome called AIDS? could their be emotional issues of self-loathing (love deficiency) that need to be remedied before or in conjunction with other therapies? We'll discuss the inspired remedies of Dr. Peter Chappel (PC1) that began to turn patients around from the brink of death. How did he do it? What happens when perviously depressed patients begin overflowing with love?