The Robert Scott Bell Show - February 05, 2015

The Robert Scott Bell Show - show

Summary: RSB and Jonathan Emord reveal a major victory for free speech against the FTC. The anti-free speech regulatory agency wanted to require two major clinical trials be conducted before any authorized health claim would be allowed. We'll also talk with Campaign for Liberty's Norm Singleton about the sudden push for mandatory vaccinations and the attacks on Rand Paul for supporting parental choice! What's the latest on the bill to Audit the Fed? There's a crapstorm happening in the mainstream media because I dared to call out Jon Stewart for his promotion of Nazi-like tactics in scapegoating parents who do not allow their children to be vaccinated. Listen today I will reveal more of why I felt compelled to speak very candidly with language that may have offended the medical police-staters. Finally, the Body Ecology Diet's Donna Gates returns to preview the online Healthy Gut Summit featuring me