RRT 124: Health and Running Headlines

The Runners Round Table show

Summary: Join Dr. Dave (nevernotrunning.com and @nevernotrunning) and friends for a discussion of recent media coverage of health and running related topics. Some of the items up for discussion include: Do statins (cholesterol drugs) degrade muscle performance? (NYTimes)Sudden deaths during races, should I be worried? (NY Daily News)Do you need to take a multivitamin if you eat a healthy diet? (NYTimes, SweatScience)Five tests that can save your life (?) (Men's Health) Planned call time: Thursday April 26th at 6P Eastern. Joining Dr. Dave will be: Sarb Johal (@sarb), who blogs at http://nzbound.metime.org.nz/ and is Associate Professor in Disaster Mental Health at Massey University, in Wellington, New Zealand. Leslie Lam (@runninglam), who blogs at http://www.runninglam.com/ and is assistant professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine who specializes in the field of pediatric endocrinology and the study of obesity and diabetes in kids and adolescents. John Mandrola (@drjohnm) who blogs at http://www.drjohnm.org/ and http://blogs.theheart.org/trials-and-fibrillations-with-dr-john-mandrola and is an electrophysiologist in Louisville, Kentucky. Click here to listen to RRT 124