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Dr John La Puma

Food & Nature as Medicine, Too

Dr. John La Puma MD is the leading physician voice for culinary medicine and nature as essential parts of your health, and an internationally recognized expert in nutrition, well-being and wellness. Dr La Puma is a board-certified specialist in internal medicine, a professionally trained chef and an urban organic regenerative farmer. He is also a New York Times best-selling author, has lectured on culinary medicine at TEDMED and TEDx, and on nature-based medicine and culinary medicine at the University of Chicago and Harvard University,

Dr. John believes that both food and nature are information for the body and the brain. The right foods, beverages, outdoor activities and nature-based solutions can help you reboot your brain and your health. Both food and nature are regenerative, powerful, underutilized therapeutic tools in medicine.

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Dr John La Puma


Blog: Paging Dr La Puma

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Read More & Get Healthy!


Dr. John is the author or co-author of seven books. Several are used as textbooks at great academic institutions worldwide, and three have been New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers. Most recently, he writes and speaks about  how the power to opt outside can improve your medical health and mental state, and how to use medically tailored meals and food as medicine.



While Dr. John did not invent food as medicine, he pioneered and popularized Culinary Medicine, now taught in at least 2/3 of U.S. medical schools and worldwide. As co-host of national cable and network Lifetime TV ‘s Health Corner for nearly 5 years and 120 episodes on as ChefMD®, he loves getting to know people, their food and their gardens. His invited presentations often include cooking demos and tips, and sometimes herbs from his regenerative farm.



Dr. John is board-certified in internal medicine. He writes both recipes and pharmaceuticals on prescription slips.  He also advocates for related causes, including food security, pollinator protection, soil health and animal adoption and welfare.

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