Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Couple of Things...

The theme song that we used in the final podcast was sent to us by Taylor Morden. Thanks, Taylor!

Also, once we get moved in and settled at our new house we'll pull the scripts out of storage and give a firm answer to the outrigger question. Sorry for answering it but then not really answering it! Didn't mean to frustrate you guys!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Last GJB

Here it is, folks. The Last GJB.

Listen here: The Last GJB

In our last romp in the GJB hay, we discuss our last few months after leaving Hawaii, answer some listener emails, answer some questions that we couldn't before about the show, and we also added some bits from the cutting room floor. We hope you enjoy.

Thanks for being such great and loyal fans!

Missing LOST,

Beth and Jorge

Monday, August 9, 2010

Long time no Hear

Hey everyone. It's been a long while since we last posted. A lot has changed in the past two months and we're still adjusting but we've begun working on the final GJB podcast.

We are currently planning to post it on August 24th, the same day you can grab your LOST dvds!

We hope all of you guys are well!

Beth and Jorge :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

One more shot from the last day

That orange bulge coming from Michaels pants is actually his safety harness. He'd hook it on through his zipper.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rough Video of the Helicopter

Coming up the hill in Kualoa was shot by a helicopter.
Here's a video of the rehearsal.

It's shot by Jennings Fowler on his phone so the quality is rough.
Jennings was one of our prop guys. You see him at the end after Josh.
By the way, Jennings played the cab driver who let's Locke out of the cab at the church in the finale.
You may also remember him as the guy who gave Terry the dollar he threw a knife at in one of the DVD bonus features from a while back.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Episode #617/618 The End

The End is here.

We recorded this podcast today, May 25, 2010.

Listen here: 617/618 The End

Here are some pics from the set:

The heart of the island light/waterfall/cave

The interior of the Ajira plane.

The interior of the cave

And the fake baby that was used as "Aaron" in the church scene. Ken shared his smoke with it.