Sounds Jewish: Hanukah 2009

Sounds Jewish Series
Jason Solomons talks Hanukah and boxing with comedian David Schneider and singer-songwriter Sean Altman

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It's a Sounds Jewish Hanukah special, and Jason Solomons looks ahead to the festival of light, latkes and cholesterol with comedian and Yiddish maestro David Schneider and American singer-songwriter Sean Altman. They'll be wondering why Jewish boxer Dmitriy Salita lasted only 76 seconds against Amir Khan – and whether that means the long tradition of Jews in the ring has taken a knock. Expert guidance comes from the Observer's boxing maven, Kevin Mitchell.

They'll be looking back on a decade that has included more than its fair share of highs and lows, with some of their favourite Jewish moments since 2000 – and the ones they'd rather forget.

And the Jewish Princesses will tell us how to cook up a Hanukah storm, with their very own coronary-inducing recipe for latkes.

So come on, throw a bucket of oil on the stove and tuck in.

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Amir Khan punches Dmitriy Salita
Amir Khan punches Dmitriy Salita (left) during the WBA Light-Welterweight Title bout at the Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle. Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA
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