SELF LOVE IN 60 SECONDS with Megha Bhatia show

SELF LOVE IN 60 SECONDS with Megha Bhatia

Summary: Megha Bhatia is a graduate of the University College of London. She believes that finding self-love in the journey of life is the most beautiful gift one can give to oneself. Through her podcast, she aims to share easy steps to dive deep into self-love and brings onboard speakers advocating for self-love. It's time to say to yourself: Hey, Self. I love you. About the Host: A young professional completed her master's at the University College of London. She has been a TEDx Speaker Twice. She is a founder of Our Voix, a youth-led organization working on child sexual abuse prevention. She has conducted workshops on Self Love for individuals from different states in India and for people from other countries. Her work has been featured in the Times of India.

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  • Artist: Megha Bhatia
  • Copyright: Copyright 2020 Megha Bhatia


 Episode 179 Is your relationship toxic? Green or Red Flag? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 284

Choosing oneself and fostering healthy relationships are vital pillars of personal growth and fulfillment. It's essential to prioritize self-discovery and self-love, understanding our own needs, values, and boundaries before fully committing to another person. By prioritizing our well-being and happiness, we cultivate resilience, confidence, and a deeper sense of identity. Simultaneously, being in healthy relationships enriches our lives, offering support, companionship, and shared experiences. However, it's equally crucial to recognize and address red flags early on. Ignoring warning signs can lead to detrimental consequences, compromising our emotional and mental well-being. By staying attuned to these signals, we honor ourselves and our worth, fostering relationships built on mutual respect, trust, and growth. Thus, by choosing ourselves and being mindful of red flags, we empower ourselves to cultivate fulfilling connections that contribute positively to our overall happiness and fulfillment.

 Episode 178 Have you been missing out on this spicy story about how you might be hurting yourself? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 192

Handling self-sabotaging thoughts requires a combination of self-awareness, self-compassion, and proactive strategies. Here are steps to help you manage and overcome self-sabotaging thoughts:Increase Self-Awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts: Recognize when negative or self-sabotaging thoughts arise. Identify patterns: Notice recurring themes or triggers for these thoughts. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings to gain clarity and understanding. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Question the evidence: Challenge the validity of negative thoughts by asking for evidence to support or contradict them. Reframe thoughts: Replace negative thoughts with more positive and realistic alternatives. Consider a different perspective: Look at situations from different angles to gain a more balanced view. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend facing similar challenges. Accept imperfections: Understand that everyone makes mistakes and faces setbacks. It's a part of being human. Set Realistic Goals: Break down tasks: Divide larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps to reduce feelings of overwhelm. Celebrate progress: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories along the way, reinforcing a positive mindset. Cultivate a Growth Mindset: Embrace challenges: View challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Learn from mistakes: Instead of seeing failure as a reflection of your abilities, see it as a chance to learn and improve. Establish Positive Habits: Create a routine: Establishing positive daily habits can contribute to a more constructive mindset. Surround yourself with positivity: Engage with uplifting content, supportive people, and environments that foster positive thinking. Seek Support: Share your struggles: Talk to friends, family, or a mental health professional about your self-sabotaging thoughts. Sometimes, verbalizing your concerns can provide valuable insights and support. Join a community: Connect with others who may be experiencing similar challenges. Sharing experiences and advice can be empowering. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness: Stay present in the moment, observing your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness can help break the automatic cycle of negative thinking. Try meditation: Incorporate meditation techniques to calm the mind and promote mental clarity. Remember that overcoming self-sabotaging thoughts is a gradual process, and it's okay to seek professional help if needed. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance tailored to your individual circumstances and assist you in developing coping strategies.

 Episode 177 Self Love Conversation with Guri | Manifestation, Law of Attraction and finding a soul mate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1672

️ Join us on an inspiring journey as we delve into the realm of self-discovery, love, and manifestation with our special guest, Guri. In this thought-provoking interview, we explored the profound concepts of self-love, finding your soul mate, harnessing the power of manifestation, and understanding the law of attraction.Stay Connected with Guri: out upcoming courses of Guri: Self-Love: Discover the transformative journey of self-love and how it shapes our relationships, perspectives, and overall well-being. Guri shares insightful wisdom and practices to cultivate a deep sense of love and acceptance for oneself. Soul Mate Connection: Explore the mystical realm of soul mates and the meaningful connections that go beyond the surface. Our conversation delves into understanding these special relationships and how they can impact our lives. Manifestation & Law of Attraction: Learn the secrets behind manifesting your desires and how the law of attraction plays a pivotal role in shaping our reality. Guri sheds light on effective techniques and the mindset needed to manifest your dreams into reality.Tune in, engage, and let this conversation inspire you to embrace a life filled with love, purpose, and the incredible potential that lies within each of us. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more enriching discussions and interviews that empower and uplift. Stay connected with us for upcoming episodes and insightful content that sparks a positive change in your life!

 Episode 176 Why relationships are fake these days ? What is missing? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 188

Check out my latest episode!

 Episode 175 How to love yourself? | What is Book Your Ghar? | Megha Bhatia in conversation with Alisha Batra | | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 821

How to love yourself? | What is Book Your Ghar? | Megha Bhatia in conversation with Alisha Batra |

 Episode 174: 5 Minutes Meditation to Boost your focus | Self Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 323

Enhance your focus and concentration through meditation. In today's fast-paced world, distractions abound, making it challenging to stay present and attentive. But fear not! This podcast episode is here to guide you on a journey of mindfulness and self-discovery, allowing you to reclaim control over your attention and cultivate a laser-like focus.

 Episode 173 Gratitude Meditation for 5 Minutes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 329

Raise your vibration and practice gratitude today.

 Episode 172 Bye Bye | Universe has a message for you ! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 128

Check out my latest episode!

 Episode 171 Focus on What you want? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 235

Check out my latest episode!

 Episode 170 Beyond Words: Harness the Vibrational Energy Within You to Create Your Dream Reality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 257

Beyond the spoken word, there exists a profound language of frequency that connects us to the universe. While words hold power, it is the vibrational energy we emit that truly shapes our reality. To attract what we desire, we must elevate our vibration to match the frequency of our desired outcomes. Engage in activities that bring you joy, practice gratitude, and surround yourself with positive influences. By raising your vibration, you align yourself with the frequency of abundance and open the doors for manifestation.Try these techniques to increase your energy level:Technique #1: Practice Visualization. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living the life you desire. Engage all your senses - see the colors, hear the sounds, feel the emotions. Visualize the details of your ideal scenario and step into that reality in your mind. This powerful technique sends a clear message to the universe about what you want to manifest.Technique #2: Set Clear Intentions. Begin by getting clear on your goals and aspirations. Take some time to reflect on what you truly desire in different areas of your life - career, relationships, health, personal growth. Write them down and create a vision board or visualization practice to reinforce these intentions.

 Episode 169 Finding a soulmate? | Self Love | | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 199

Every relationship, regardless of its outcome, has the potential to teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and others. Even if a relationship doesn't lead to finding a soulmate, it can provide insights into our desires, boundaries, and priorities. Every interaction teaches us about our values, needs, and what we truly seek in a partner. It might reveal aspects of ourselves that we need to work on or areas where we excel. While the search for a soulmate can be arduous, the journey itself is rich with experiences that shape us and bring us closer to discovering the kind of love we seek.

 Episode 168 Searching for a life partner? Unveiling the Qualities of a Lifelong Connection | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 150

When searching for a life partner, it is essential to prioritize two fundamental aspects: friendship and effective communication. While physical attraction may initially catch our attention, focusing on inner qualities becomes paramount for long-term compatibility and happiness. A true partner should possess the qualities of a genuine friend, someone who can provide support, understanding, and companionship through life's joys and challenges. Additionally, effective communication forms the foundation of any successful relationship. The ability to express thoughts, emotions, and needs openly while actively listening to the other person fosters understanding, empathy, and a deep connection. By placing emphasis on these inner qualities and cultivating a friendship rooted in strong communication, we pave the way for a fulfilling and enduring partnershipCheck out my latest episode!

 Episode 167 What if it works? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 99

Check out my latest episode!

 Episode 166 Omg, Why Worry? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 126

In the face of uncertainty, worry can consume us, draining our energy and hindering our progress. Instead, why not choose faith? By shifting our mindset and trusting in the journey, we can unlock a newfound sense of peace, resilience, and clarity. Embracing the Present Moment: Worrying often stems from excessive focus on the future or dwelling on the past. By grounding ourselves in the present moment, we can cultivate mindfulness and appreciate the beauty and opportunities that surround us right now. Faith reminds us to find joy in the present and trust that the future will unfold as it should. Surrendering Control:Worry often arises from a desire to control every aspect of our lives. However, some things are beyond our control. Instead of fighting against the inevitable, have faith and trust in the natural course of events. Embrace the idea that everything happens for a reason, and surrendering control can lead to unexpected blessings and growth. Believing in Yourself:Faith is not just about trusting in external forces but also having confidence in yourself. Believe in your abilities, strengths, and resilience. Replace self-doubt with self-belief, knowing that you have the capacity to overcome challenges and create a positive future. Trust that you have the inner wisdom and resources to navigate any obstacles that come your way. Seeking Support and Guidance:Having faith doesn't mean facing everything alone. Surround yourself with a supportive community, seek guidance from mentors, and lean on your loved ones during challenging times. Sharing your worries and concerns can provide comfort and valuable insights. Together, you can reinforce your faith and find solace in collective strength. Cultivating Gratitude:Gratitude is a powerful antidote to worry. Practice gratitude daily by focusing on the blessings, big or small, that you encounter. Acknowledge the goodness in your life and appreciate the lessons learned from difficult situations. Cultivating gratitude fuels your faith and helps you maintain a positive outlook, even during uncertain times. Remember, faith is not the absence of challenges, but the unwavering belief that you have the strength to overcome them. Release worry, embrace faith, and embark on a journey filled with trust, resilience, and joy.

 Episode 165 Is there any right time when you will meet your life partner? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 109

Are you tired of waiting for the perfect partner to come along? It's time to shift the focus inward and work on yourself. Discover the transformative power of self-growth, self-love, and self-improvement as you navigate your personal journey towards fulfillment and happiness. Prioritize Self-Development: Instead of waiting for someone to complete you, invest in your personal growth. Explore your passions, expand your knowledge, and cultivate new skills. By focusing on becoming the best version of yourself, you'll attract the right person who appreciates and complements your journey. Nurture Self-Love: Learn to embrace and love yourself unconditionally. Celebrate your strengths, accept your flaws, and practice self-compassion. When you genuinely love yourself, you become more confident, radiant, and attract healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Set Goals and Pursue Dreams:Use this time to set meaningful goals and pursue your dreams. Build a fulfilling life that aligns with your values, interests, and aspirations. As you work towards your goals, you'll not only become more content and self-assured but also attract like-minded individuals who are equally passionate about their own journeys.


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