狗熊有话说 show


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  • Artist: 大狗熊
  • Copyright: Copyright ©狗熊有话说 2012-2018


 122期:影剧·我的时光你的西游 – Your west journey stayed in my time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:24:26

在影院里重温《大话西游》的几个小时,过去和现在交织在一起,让我分不清我是因为什么而感动,因为什么而流泪。我在黑暗中的电影院里看着这部20年前的电影,当年在KTV唱着“Only You”的场景、被牛魔王一样的老板骂得像条狗的场景、在大学宿舍里点着蜡烛一边流泪一边读《悟空传》的场景不停地闪回,就像是哈利波特在看着厄里斯魔镜,镜中全是自己的生活。这期专门制作的关于《大话西游》的节目,是我把自己的时光存放在这部电影里的代价。这是你们的Journey to the west,这是我和我自己的时光,怎能忘记西游。 I tried to keep calm in the cinema when I watched Stephen Chow’s movie, A Chinese Odyssey, but I failed. It has been 20 years, my memory and movie’s stories combined together, I can’t tell which part touched me and made me cry. It was as Harry Potter watched the Mirror of Erised, he could see his whole life in it. I made this episode as a gift for myself, for your journey to the west and my own private memory of the old days.

 121期:岁念·啰嗦是憋不住的 – Will anyone listen to me if I talk forever? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:37

  就像BBS需要有个水区一样,播客也需要有个可以啰嗦一下互动一下的地方,所以我们有了新标签:岁念。“岁”是关于我的生活的啰嗦,“念”是关于你反馈内容的啰嗦,这样有硬核内容的节目可以更精练,而大狗熊被憋了好长时间的啰嗦意愿也不会爆炸。所以这期节目没啥具体的知识或经验,你还不赶紧入? So, the english introduction for this episode is really hard to write, I just want to talk some feedbacks for your replys and messages, and talk some thing happen in my life these days, not big things, just some tiny stuff. So it is just another accidental blabla episode, maybe you gonna like it!

 120期:学习·我们班有10000个同学 – I got 10000 classmates on my class | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:56:16

  MOOC,“大规模开放式在线课程”,这个在2011年才兴起的网络教育形式有着一个很geek的名字,却有可能影响我们从孔子时代就定形了的教育模式。既然要聊,就要聊点实在的,大狗熊亲身参加了一门MOOC课程,并且拿到了认证证书,这期节目的标题,也是有据可查的真实体验,来吧,让咱们来聊聊实战MOOC的故事。 MOOC, the Massive Open Online Course, which may change our life of study in the future, and the traditional way continues for thousands of years, it is the time for changing. How can I talk some practical thing without practise it? So I participated a MOOC course and got the certification of it. So, let’s talk MOOC in this episode. Chris Anderson的TED演讲:How web video powers global innovation, July 2010 Salman Khan的TED演讲:Let’s use video to reinvent education, March 2011 Daphne Koller at TED, What we’re learning from online education, June 2012

 119期:阅读·十部这辈子必读的科幻小说 – 10 Sci-fi novels you must read before you die | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:30:00

虽然“必读”这个说法实在是太过于粗暴,但大狗熊真的觉得这些推荐的小说值得在这辈子读上一遍,他们都是真正可以打动你的内心,让你领略人类想象力的伟大,让你不再只是盯着每天的凡尘琐事烦恼的经典作品。偶尔读一读科幻小说,可以让你在盯着地上琐事之余,也可以仰望一下星空,用更宏观的视角思考一下自己在地球这个从太空里看到的一枚小石子上,可以有的卑微或是伟大的生活。 I know the title of this episode is rude, but I really think these sci-fi novels deserve your time to read, they are masterpieces that can touch your heart, make you feel the greatness of human’s imagination and stop your complain about little shit things everyday. Reading sci-fi can give you a god-view to think about what your life could be in the earth, the tiny blue dot from universe. * 《地心游记》:跟着凡尔纳大叔去采大蘑菇! * 《时间机器》:穿越流的开山怪! * 《基地》:本拉登最爱! * 《银河英雄传说》:我的征途是星尘大海! * 《与拉玛相会》:外星人全篇没出场的高冷外星主题经典! * 《银河系漫游指南》:Don’t Panic,42! * 《神经浪游者》:“互联网思维”! * 《死者代言人》:“消灭虫族后我成了个哲学家!” * 《献给阿尔吉侬的花》:可以把人读哭的科幻小说! * 《三体》:给时光以生命,给岁月以文明!

 118期:对话·与Evernote大佬们的围炉夜话(下) – The Fireside Chat with Evernote’s bosses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:32:48

  2014年9月,Evernote的新产品线Evernote Market在中国区上线,Evernote团队的所有高管全部聚集到北京,大狗熊很荣幸地参加了Evernote的核心用户交流活动,并主持了一场与Evernote CEO Phil Libin先生、Evernote全球市场业务副总裁Linda Kozlowski女士、中国印象笔记总经理谷懿女士的对话。其实我们聊的不只是Evernote,也有不少关于创业、人生和愿景的东西。这么高端的一期节目,你怎么能不听呢?这是节目的下期。说明:当天的活动是全英文的,为了方便大家的收听,我给节目进行了中文翻译,在节目的后半段会放出原始的现场录音版,大家可以各取所需。 The new product line of Evernote: Evernote Market was published in China in September, 2014 in Beijing. I was honoured to be the host for an user talk show of Evernote Event in China, had a really great talk with Phil Libin ( Evernote, CEO), Linda Kozlowski ( Evernote, Vice President ), Amy Gu ( Evernote, General Manager of China ). We talked a lot of interesting things about Evernote, and other stuff, you won’t miss this episode! Notice: It was a english talk show, I’ve translated and narrated in Chinese at the beginning, then you will hear the live record in English. This is the second part.

 117期:对话·与Evernote大佬们的围炉夜话(上) – The Fireside Chat with Evernote’s bosses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:43:42

  2014年9月,Evernote的新产品线Evernote Market在中国区上线,Evernote团队的所有高管全部聚集到北京,大狗熊很荣幸地参加了Evernote的核心用户交流活动,并主持了一场与Evernote CEO Phil Libin先生、Evernote全球市场业务副总裁Linda Kozlowski女士、中国印象笔记总经理谷懿女士的对话。其实我们聊的不只是Evernote,也有不少关于创业、人生和愿景的东西。这么高端的一期节目,你怎么能不听呢?这是节目的上期。说明:当天的活动是全英文的,为了方便大家的收听,我给节目进行了中文翻译,在节目的后半段会放出原始的现场录音版,大家可以各取所需。 The new product line of Evernote: Evernote Market was published in China in September, 2014 in Beijing. I was honoured to be the host for an user talk show of Evernote Event in China, had a really great talk with Phil Libin ( Evernote, CEO), Linda Kozlowski ( Evernote, Vice President ), Amy Gu ( Evernote, General Manager of China ). We talked a lot of interesting things about Evernote, and other stuff, you won’t miss this episode! Notice: It was a english talk show, I’ve translated and narrated in Chinese at the beginning, then you will hear the live record in English. This is the first part.

 116期:科技·手表的过去与未来 – The past and future of watch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:32:00

  2014年9月9日,苹果在秋季发布会上发布了全新的产品线Apple WATCH,这是一场让我又一次看到了未来的发布会。我很高兴在成为科技巨头的同时,苹果的产品依然没有改变其初衷:用科技让人更好地生活。作为计时器的传统手表是工业时代机械生产的辉煌,而Apple WATCH则是代表着信息化的app时代,代表着你和我的未来。 本期节目首次有同步视频放出,在优酷、Youtube和《狗熊有话说》视频版播客中均可收看,谢谢! Sep, 9th, 2014, Apple Inc. published the whole new product line of Apple WATCH, I enjoyed the keynote and I can see the future though it. I also found that Apple haven’t lost its beginner’s mind when it becomes a huge company: use technology to make people’s life be better. Traditional watches are the glory of the Age of Industry, Apple WATCH represents the Age of Information, the time of apps, and the future of you and me. There’s the video for this episode on Youku.com and Youtube, feel free to watch it and give me some comments, thank you!

 115期:对话·Alvaro的浓缩设计观 – What is design in Alvaro’s eyes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:38:51

苹果的设计并不是一直都是自己包办,他们最为成功的一个产品,Apple II型电脑就是由第三方团队青蛙设计公司设计的,而目前青蛙设计也是国际一流设计公司的代表。这期节目大狗熊请到了青蛙设计公司上海分公司的创意总监Alvaro Marquez先生,来一起聊一聊设计、工作和交互的未来,时间虽然很短,但却绝对都是精华,就像是一杯香浓的espresso咖啡一样。其实就冲本期节目张力十足的封面,你又怎么能错过呢? Apple is not always make all of their product design by itself. One of the best selling product, Apple II, was designed by another professional team, frog DESIGN, which represent the best design team of the world. In this episode, I was honoured to talk with Alvaro Marquez, the Creative Director of Shanghai frog, to talk something about design, job and the future of interaction. The chatting time is short and great, just like a good cup of espresso. You can’t miss an episode with such a cool cover, right? [Alvaro Marquez’s LinkedIn page](cn.linkedin.com/in/mrmarquez)

 114期:现场·独立游戏的移动机遇 – Opportunities for indie games in mobile era | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:02

  2014年8月的Macworld | iWorld Asia大会首次设置了移动游戏论坛,我作为大会的合作伙伴,以演讲嘉宾和论坛圆桌讨论主持人的身份和从事游戏行业的朋友们一起交流关于游戏的话题。在大会上,我主持了一场名为“独立游戏的移动机遇”的圆桌讨论。这期节目,就是这次讨论的录音。录音效果非常差,还请见谅(或者赞助优质录音设备也行) This is the first time that Macworld | iWorld Asia hold a forum about mobile games in MIA 2014, I am the partner of MIA, and I discussed the game with friends in the game industry as a host and lecturer. This episode is the audio record of the roundtable session: Opportunities for indie games in mobile era. I’m sorry that the sound quality is not good. * 讨论嘉宾: * 杨雪飞(多边形)Charles Young * 周鲁 Loup Zhou * 梁其伟 Qiwei Liang * 赵夏(西蒙) Henry Zhao

 113期:现场·MacworldAsia2014吐槽与展望 – What will we talk about when we talk about MIA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:46:24

时间是2014年八月份的北京,一年一度的Macworld iWorld Asia大会已经举行了第四届啦。我从2011年的第一届大会开始,就一直以伙伴的身份参与其中,对这个大会有着深厚的感情。每年前往Macworld,结识一些新朋友,见见一些老朋友,几乎成了我的一个仪式。在8月23日,我和 友的聊播客 的几位老朋友,在大会现场制作了一期关于Macworld大会的节目。既有吐槽,也有展望。我真心希望明年的这个时候,依然还是和老朋友们一起,继续吐槽,继续展望,这才是生活应有的节奏吧。 We got a new Macworld Asia Expo in Beijing in August, the 4th one. I’ve been the partner of Macworld Asia since the first one, there’re a lot of feelings. I can meet some new friends every year, and visit some old friends too, it’s just like a ceremony to me. On Aug, 23rd, I and friends from Youdeliao podcast recorded an live episode about Macworld this year. There are critical comments, and bright outlooks for the future. I really hope the same time of next year, I can sit with old friends and share our comments and outlooks. Maybe that’s the rhythm of life should be.

 112期:对话·和冰淇淋达人Giapo聊人生(下) – Giapo’s life, work and ice cream. Vol.2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:23:07

  “我希望听到这期节目的每个人都能找寻到我找到的,我也想说我发现了我的道路,这不是条容易的路。容易的路是选择在银行工作,有个好的薪水,过着轻松的生活。容易的路不是一连7年,一天都没有休息。容易的路不是放弃金钱。所以,你想成为什么样的人,你是谁,这样的选择你每天都要去做。每一天你做出的选择,都会让你的生活变得多复杂一点点,多艰难一点点。所以,不断地从你的舒适圈逃离吧。这会体验给你一种不一样的东西,而最终,它给你的是一种渴望,这是从你的内部把你点燃的火焰,能让你排出毒素。因为你对事情应有的状态感到不舒服,你不喜欢这样,你对自己看到的或是正在做的事情感到不舒服,这样你就会不停往前前进。”这期节目咱们继续与新西兰知名的冰淇淋品牌“Giapo”创始人Gianpaolo畅聊人生。 ” I hope everybody who listening this will find what I found, I also would like to say that I found what I find and this is not the easy way. The easy way was working in the band and got a good salary, and live a easy life. The easy was is not the never have a day off in seven years. The easy way was not give up on the money, so you make choice everyday on who you want to be. and who you are. and everyday you make choice that will make you life a little more complicated, more difficult. So continuous escaping from the comfort zone. Somehow that will give you xxx, that xxx will give you is the desire, it’s the fire that burning inside you and get more shit out. Because you are uncomfortable with the way things are. You don’t like it, you don’t feel comfortable with what you see or with what you doing. and so you keep pushing it. ” Let’s continue the interview with Gianpaolo, the found of Giapo ice cream in Auckland, NZ.

 111期:对话·和冰淇淋达人Giapo聊人生(上) – Giapo’s life, work and ice cream. Vol.1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:24:16

“对于青年人,我得说,得充满激情,这不意味着有激情就行。充满激情意味着有很多不同领域的激情。所以,简单来说,需要有爱,要爱!对食物的爱,对姑娘的爱,对汽车、对杂志、对科学,任何你想要爱的东西,去爱它们。有一天你会明白这一点弥足珍贵……”《狗熊有话说》首次尝试对话式节目,与新西兰知名的冰淇淋品牌“Giapo”创始人Gianpaolo畅聊人生,这是节目的上集。(所以这真的是个科技类的节目么?) “To young people, I have to say, be passionate, which does not mean to have passion. Be passionate means have many passions. So, love! Food love, girl love, cars, love magazines, love science, anything you may want to love, you love it. The day you will understand when you don’t like what you are doing, and you will know it is gold.” This is the first interview episode of the BearTalk podcast. Let’s listen the stories from Gianpaolo, the found of Giapo ice cream in Auckland, NZ.

 110期:常规·意料之外的义卖 – An Unexpected Charity Sale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:39:30

  我们必须承认这两年灾难无数,我们对于灾难,似乎都难免有一些麻木。但这次,云南的昭通鲁甸地震,是发生在我自己的家乡,我能为家乡做点什么呢?《隔墙有耳》的主播曾克提议,以NewRadio声援昭通的名义,组织一次NewRadio的节目义卖,用义卖声音节目获得的收入,对灾区进行实实在在的支持。2014年8月10日,我们的义卖告一段落,一共收到61000元人民币。我卖出4000多元的节目,自己凑足整数,得款共计5000元整。这场地震是一次突如其来的天灾,而这场义卖也是一次意料之外的义卖。这期节目我想和你聊一聊这一次义卖前前后后的故事和感受。 I have to say there’re too many catastrophes happened these days, but the earthquake of Ludian struck my hometown, can I do anything for help? My friend, the host of GeQiangYouEh podcast, Zengke suggested we organise a charity sale for the earthquake-stricken area of Zhaotong, Yunnan. At Aug 10, 2014, we’ve collected 61000 RMB, and I sold 5000 RMB in the end. This is an unexpected catastrophe, and the charity sale is unexpected too. So in this episode, let’s talk the story behind my first charity sale. 相关链接 MacworldAsia网站

 109期:旅行·新西兰在路上·完结篇 – On the Road of New Zealand Finale | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:41:19

对于新西兰来说,我一共用了四期节目来和你分享这个迷人的国度,新西兰是一个有着重叠感的地方,这里有着三个影子重叠在一起。第一层是毛利人的原住民文化,第二层是作为英国属地的英国文化,第三层是作为一个独立的岛国的文化,这三层影子叠在一起,就让新西兰有着完全不一样的特质。套用一句很俗套的话,每个去过新西兰的人,心里都有一个不一样的新西兰,当你去到那里,你会发现,生活其实是有很多种不同的方式,在地球的南边一片岛屿上,有的人在用一种更加纯粹的方式生活着。旅行之后,回头一看,你对自己当下的生活和自己,也会有更新的认识。可能,对于我多次在节目里提起的那三个问题,你是谁,你从哪儿来,到哪里去,经过一趟离开自己的熟悉环境的旅行后,你会有不一样的答案。在我看来,这就是旅行的最大收获。 关键词: * 战舞Haka的原声录音 * 毛利人的神话故事 * “霍比特人” * 英国和岛屿对新西兰的影响 I made 4 episodes to share my feelings and stories about New Zealand, this is a country with 3 layers. The first layer is Maori, the second layer is Britain, the third layer is the Island. Combine 3 layers together, you can see the real feature of New Zealand. For me, I found that life should be in different ways, in different places. After your journey, you will find the new meaning of your old life. I think that is the best gift I can get from my travel.

 108期:旅行·新西兰在路上(3) – On the Road of New Zealand Vol.3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:57:02

我产生前往新西兰看看的念头,始于13年前,始于一部让人震撼的电影《魔戒》。在大学时代看了这部电影时,我就暗自对自己说,以后一定要去新西兰这个美丽的地方去看看,在13年后,我才实现了这个愿望。漫长的告别可能会变得平淡,但对少年时愿望的漫长等待,却可能会让最终实现愿望时的你加倍地激动不已,就像是喝一杯酝酿了13年的酒。这期节目,我继续用旅行日记的形式,和你分享我在新西兰北岛旅行的感受。这一次,咱们重点聊聊中土世界最让我着迷的两个地方:维塔工作室和夏尔国。 The first time when a trip to New Zealand came to my mind was 13 years ago, when the Fellowship of the Ring movie came out. I tell myself someday I will have a trip to this country, and the “someday” arrived 13 years later. A long goodbye may fade away, but a long wait for your teenage dream will double your excitement when it come true. The feeling is like drinking a cup of 13-year-old wine. In this episode, I will continue to share my feelings about the trip in the north island of New Zealand. This time, the main story is about Weta Workshop and the Shire. * 旅行关键词 * Wellington * The Weta Cave * The Hobbiton * The Glow Warm Cave


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