Mandarin show


Summary: Extensive coverage of news, current affairs and sports through our network of correspondents in China, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and around Australia.

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 Politics Dictionary: Is Imperial House of Japan facing crisis of survival? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Is Imperial House of Japan facing crisis of survival? (上周五,日本内阁通过了仅适用于明仁天皇的退位特别法案。如果该法案在国会通过的话,明仁天皇将是200年以来首个生前退位的日本天皇。 第二次世界大战的结束是日本皇族变化的一个重要时间节点。二战后,日本皇族数量骤减,皇室甚至一度没有下一代的继承人。 如果没有保持皇室数量的改革出台,延续皇室的责任将落在今年10岁的悠仁亲王一个人身上。)

 Why Trump fire the head of FBI? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Why Trump fire the head of FBI?   Political philosophy expert Dr Rui Han shared her insights with SBS Mandarin audiences.     (美国联邦调查局局长科米被特朗普撤职,本来民主党人应该觉得大快人心,因为他们认为希拉里败选是因为科米在关键的时刻提出重新调查邮件门;但是由于特朗普被指曾经要求科米撤销对其白宫国家安全顾问与俄罗斯有关联的多项调查未果,人们又怀疑其特朗普这么做的动机。因此,这件事在华盛顿闹得沸沸扬扬,众说纷纭。     广东外语外贸大学英文学院副教授,政治哲学博士韩锐认为,特朗普在没有和FBI原局长科米有任何沟通的情况下,就将之撤职,以至于科米当时听到这个消息时还笑了,以为是个玩笑。这样的行事方式比较粗鲁。但是作为总统,他有这个权利。同时,科米的种种高调做法不太符合一个行政机构应有的工作方式,也确实令人费解。     下面请听广东外语外贸大学英文学院副教授,政治哲学博士韩锐的分析.        )

 Chinese Designer V-major Victor in australia fashion week Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The city of Sydney is doused in frills, heels and florals for Fashion Week 2017 last week. Every year, the organizer would invite a chinese designer to present their designs at the fashion week.This year V'major's designer victor is in sydney and ... (澳大利亚时装周于上周五在悉尼正式落下帷幕,这个为期6天的年度时尚盛会为澳大利亚的设计师提供与国际设计师,买手,媒体,时尚业人士对接的国际平台。从三年前,澳大利亚时装周每届都会邀请一位来自中国的设计师,今年登上时装周秀台的品牌是V-MAJOR, 该品牌的创始人VICTOR也在秀结束后接受了本台记者陈艺舒的采访,谈到澳大利亚时装设计的亮点,秀场后台筹备的挑战,以及如何购买秀场同款等。    )

 Settlement Guide: What to do when you get a fine and how to fight it | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Being new to Australia often means adapting to a new language but also to new laws and possible fines. It can be difficult to understand why you get fines, how to pay them or how to dispute them.Theres support for those who need it to dispute fin... (新到澳大利亚的移民不仅仅要适应新的语言,还需要了解新的法律和可能的罚款。他们可能会对,为什么会获得某些罚款而感到很难理解,也不知道如何支付或者对罚款进行申诉。对那些需要对罚款申诉并希望能更好了解澳大利亚司法体系的人,法律援助提供了很好的支持。以下是本台记者陈艺舒的详细报道。  )

 Julian Assange wrap | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Swedish prosecutors have discontinued their investigation into rape allegations against the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. (瑞典检察官撤销对维基解密创始人阿桑奇的性侵指控的调查。但阿桑奇说,战斗还远没有结束。英国警方对他的逮捕令依然有效,据报美国已经成立了大陪审团,等待着对阿桑奇的审判。 请听胡玫的综合报道:  )

 kaleidoscope - Pyrmont Festival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Sydneysiders set to feast on countrys finest. A bumper 15-day program launches on Saturday 13 May, showcasing the best of Pyrmont and the Mudgee regions food, wine, art and entertainment. Lucy Chen reports.   (悉尼市政府把地方优质特产端上市民餐桌。悉尼大学和阿德雷德大学联合从事一项研究发现,四分之一的农场主由于缺乏人手,而导致大量蔬菜水果烂在地里。这项研究也提出了解决的方法。)

 weekly brief - Bitcoin & AFL | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Yaodi Yang, Editor of Pacific Times, talks about whats Bitcoin and why the hacker of Ransomware and WanaCry uses bitcoin as the ransom when the global cyber-attack spread over 150 countries in the world.   AFL launched the first gam... (最近发生的大规模网络攻击波及了全世界150多个国家,澳大利亚也未能幸免。大洋时报编辑杨婉笛讲述为什么网络病毒Ransomware勒索赎金和WannaCry想哭病毒索要比特币,而不是通过通常的方法索要赎金。 澳式足球联盟AFL5月14日在中国上海首次打响了海外战场,球员们始料不及的是球场之外还有一个战场,那就是如何克服东西文化的差异。  )

 Oursteps: Taking Care of Aged Parents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How could Chinese migrants take the best care of their parents? Should they bring their parents to Australia, or should they go back to China and live with their parents? Oursteps tells you the heated and emotional discussions the Chinese communit... (父母养老是经久不衰的话题。最近因为父母移民政策的变动,加上国内一档节目《奇葩说》对是否送父母去养老院的讨论,新足迹网友们对父母养老再次进行了讨论。听一听虞美丽和记者吕倩倩的交谈,看看网友的讨论是否对您在父母养老的思考上有所启发。)

 life magazine-Rights of Healthcare | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ms Yue Hu, Cultural Liaison Officer of North Health Victoria, explains the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights and why it is important, especially for the non-English speaking migrants. (胡玫采访墨尔本北区医疗中心文化联络员胡月女士,介绍澳大利亚医疗保健体系医护人员和患者、服务的使用者都必须遵守的《澳大利亚医疗保健人员的权利章程》(Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights)。  )

 Life magazine: Give way to emergency vehicles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When an emergency vehicle uses lights and sirens on the roads, you should know what to do and how to respond in such a situation. How should you give way to an emergency vehicle when driving? Lina shares the rules and tips. (特约记者Lina介绍在澳洲怎么给执行紧急任务的救护车、消防车和警车让路。如果因为避让应急服务的车辆而违反交通法规,车主是否会受到处罚?)

 Happy Weekend : Tianyi Lu the new Assistant Conductor designate of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Tianyi Lu is the Assistant Conductor designate of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Music Director of the Bristol Metropolitan Orchestra, Principal Conductor of the St. Woolos Players, and regularly guest conducts orchestras around the United King... (音乐是有重量,有颜色的…--这是学指挥的上海裔新西兰女孩吕天贻对音乐的理解。27岁的天贻刚刚被世界级的墨尔本交响乐团任命为助理指挥。她说,指挥并不是一些人想的只需要上台挥挥手就可以。指挥不仅要懂音乐,更要充当心理学家以及交响乐团和作曲家之间的粘合剂,才能帮助乐团表现出五线谱间书写的爱恨情仇。 本期欢乐空间,主持人吴音打越洋电话到欧洲采访了正在那里进一步深造的吕天贻。天贻对新工作的兴奋和对指挥的热爱顺着电话线传来,让听者也不禁对指挥事业心生向往。华人专业从事指挥的不多,女性指挥家更是凤毛麟角。欢迎收听吕天贻对指挥和音乐的感悟。)

 Life Magazine: Melbourne's Weekend Markets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Shopping online on Taobao? Why not go and check out one of Melbourne's many interesting weekend markets? Our report Jiao Lu brings you to this great attraction of Melbourne. (墨尔本的周末集市是生活在墨尔本的一个好去处。剁手党们知道吗,在集市里买买买,不但买健康,还可能帮助慈善呢。听听特约记者焦璐介绍最近墨尔本有哪些新兴的集市,和大家在里面都能淘到什么宝贝。)

 May 20 health forum: vegetarian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

More and more young people are choosing to become vegetarians in the hope to protect the environment. How can they still ensure a healthy intake of different nutrients? Melbourne based dietitian Amy Peng speaks to Lucy Lv on this topic. (随着环保意识的日益浓厚,许多年轻人都选择成为素食者。半路出家的素食者怎样可以保持他们的营养平衡呢?主持人吕倩倩和营养师Amy给大家讲讲素食的分类和一些含素食者需要的营养的好食物。)

 Will it cause public transport costs to rise, after privatizing of NSW public transport services? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Around 1200 Sydney bus drivers striked for 24 hours this Thursday in response to a state government decision to privatise services on some of the city's busiest routes. After some of the busiest routes of public transport services being privatized... (本周四,约1200名悉尼公交车司机罢工24小时,回应新州政府决定私有化一些城市最繁忙路线的公共交通服务。据报道,Leichhardt,Burwood,Kingsgrove和Tempe四个地区的公共交通服务将被私有化。政府的理由是,233条线路被投诉12000次是此次调整的主要原因。市民集中投诉的问题主要是什么?部分最繁忙路线的公共交通服务私有化后,会不会减少或改变现有路线,造成市民出行不便?是否会造成市民的公共交通费用上涨?如果不削减路线,又不增加费用,是否会减少司机人数呢?7月3日后,Opal卡集体上调价格2.4%,明年涨不涨很难说,老年卡会不会受到影响?新州独立定价监管机构IPART向政府建议,Opal卡乘车费用未来三年每年上涨4.2%,政府是否会采纳呢?我们如何能够更加经济合理的使用Opal卡呢?新州交通厅负责交通规划的Andrew Shen博士接受本台记者谢欣采访时,对上述问题进行了解答。)

 â€œSlowing down our lives allows the time and space to see beauty around us”, Grace Wei suggests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Slowing down our lives allows the time and space to see beauty around us, Ms Grace Wei, President of the Blue Mountain Reading Group suggests.   (慢生活不等于慢节奏。慢生活更多的是一种心情和感觉。悉尼蓝山书社社长Grace Wei 就2017年5月19日SBS 普通话电台《《文化苦丁茶之---世界变化快,我想慢下来》这个话题表达了看法。她说,在悉尼中央火车站站台等车时,所有人几乎都低头看手机,人们是不是可以放下手机,抬头看看远方,看看云彩,有时间多看看书,欣赏欣赏音乐,快节奏的生活里也能有慢生活的心情。     请听采访录音。  )


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