Evernote – iDevaffiliate Sale – Clean Up Your Website

Weekly Web Tools show

Summary: (http://weeklywebtools.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/evernote-logo1.jpg)Today I looked and looked and had a hard time finding a cool tool for the week. Got any ideas? Then it dawned on me that I have never talked about Evernote. This is a great tool that works on your smartphone, in your browser, on your PC and makes it super easy to write, speak, copy notes and have them organized in one single space. Evernote makes it easy to remember things big and small from your everyday life using your computer, phone, tablet and the web. Check it out at evernote.com (http://evernote.com) iDevaffiliate is having a sale now through June. You can use the discount code springtime8 and save 8% on your purchase. The software starts at $99 and the discount code expires at the end of June so don’t delay. For more information go to idevaffiliate.com (http://www.weeklywebtools.com/idevaffiliate) Speed Up Your Wordpress Website Here are some quick tips to speed up your website: Clean up your drafts Delete spam and comments Delete categories and tags that are not linked to anything. Delete any leftovers from plugins that have been removed. To remove unwanted plugin and theme data from your database, browse it to find such entries and tables and delete them. Make sure you first deactivate and delete the plugins and themes you don’t need. Also I can not stress this enough, make a backup (http://weeklywebtools.com/backupcreator) of your database before doing anything. The first place you would want to look at is your wp_options table in your database. Browse the table carefully and see if you can find entries related to an inactive plugin.