The Slave Dwelling Project with Joseph McGill

Research at the National Archives&Beyond show

Summary: Join Joseph McGill for a discussion on site in a slave cabin at the Hopsewee Plantation in Georgetown County, South Carolina. Since May 2010, Joseph McGill has spent a night in over 50 extant slave dwellings in the states of Alabama, Connecticut, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia, all in an attempt to bring much needed attention to these often neglected structures.  Known as the Slave Dwelling Project, it has been successful in highlighting the stewards of properties that are doing all that is necessary to preserve, interpret, maintain and sustain these structures.  The project has also identified many structures that are in desperate need of restoration.  What started as a personal quest has now evolved into a not-for-profit organization.  The project’s popularity does not allow McGill to sleep in these places alone anymore.  On Thursday, May 29, 2014, McGill spent the night in a slave cabin at Hopsewee Plantation in Georgetown County, SC, and was joined by a high school group from Milwaukee, WI and their chaperons.  The Slave Dwelling Project's first Conference will be held in Savannah, GA, September 18 – 20, 2014.