Insightly CRM and FOOBAR Notifications

Weekly Web Tools show

Summary: I am putting together an online group coaching class at ( and I wanted a tool to keep all the information about each client in one place, have notes about what we talk about, and tie it into project management (as they launch their podcast). I found insightly ( I was using to sell tickets to my event, and I simply exported the contact out, and imported them into insightly ( I then went in ( to my gmail and forward messages that I had recently received from these clients and it attached them to their contact record. The tool is used by more than 300,00 people and the best past is its free. The tool has: Customer Relationship Tool Project Management Sales Funnel Smartphone apps to view all of this information on apps, or tablets. It also integrates with twitter and other social tools. Now you can display social data right in Insightly – like feeds from Twitter for contacts and organizations Foobar Custom Notification Bars For Wordpress ( is a notification bars plugin for WordPress that allows you to add a highly customizable messages to the top of your blog or website. You can display different notifications on different pages and define a default bar that will display on all your pages. FooBar has features including fixed, inline and BOTTOM foobars. Additionally you can have custom HTML on left and right, unlimited Foobars, different Foobars per page, and rebrand the name. You can also define a social buttons area, multiple messages in the FooBar, load tweets or an RSS feed, and use conditional logic for special rules to show the foobar. Increase sales. Get more newsletter signups. Get more Twitter followers or Facebook likes. Whatever you goals are, FooBar can help you reach them. The best part its only $14. (