The Happy Hour Effect: Leadership | Sales | Performance | Kristen Brown show

The Happy Hour Effect: Leadership | Sales | Performance | Kristen Brown

Summary: Discover a fresh philosophy to inspire your team to love coming to work every day and give their best while they’re there to boost personal and bottom-line growth. Kristen Brown is a bestselling author, team performance expert, work/life strategist, and professional speaker who shares her proven Happy Hour Effect message to amplify leadership potential, sales, service, work/life happiness, goal-getting, personal branding and less stress. During Happy Hour, we’re at our best – connected, open-minded, relaxed, creative and energized all at once. By creating Happy Hour Effect moments throughout the day, we harness those same mindset shifts that allow us to grow and thrive personally and professionally. Why does this matter? It matters for PEOPLE because we all need to feel secure, respected and supported in our goals and stress levels at work AND at home to flourish. And when we flourish, we’re motivated to do well and step into leadership in all areas of our lives – work, family, hobbies, friends, spirituality, health and more. It matters for COMPANIES because a workforce that lives by the Happy Hour Effect philosophy is productive, happy, innovative, and effective when it comes to sales, customer service, engagement, and creating opportunities to impact the bottom line. So you see – the Happy Hour Effect is more than just a clever term. It’s a powerful philosophy that can change your thinking, change your workforce and change the world.

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  • Artist: Kristen Brown: Keynote Speaker | Bestselling Author | Media Contributor
  • Copyright: © Copyright 2017 | Happy Hour Effect LLC


 #43: 3 Ways to Lead With Impact | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:39

Lead with impact! Regardless of your job title, industry, or level, you have impact on those around you. How can you ensure you are saying the right things, acting the right way, and making the right decisions to be a positive force at work and at home? It starts with you embracing self-leadership first. YOUR TAKEAWAYS Here are three ways to lead yourself and others with impact: -Analyze multiple perspectives -Review best and worst case scenarios -Use common sense THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! If you loved this episode and want more from The Happy Hour Effect, please leave a 5-star review on iTunes or wherever you listen. Thanks for spreading the word! Please share with your friends, co-workers and loved ones. Interested in sponsoring the show and getting more exposure for your business? Email me at Referral bonus for YOU!! Just send corporations or groups to me who need a speaker on team performance, leadership, goal-setting, time management, stress management, or sales maximization. If they hire (and pay) me, I'll send you a nice referral bonus. Learn more at:

 #42: How to Be a Profitable Networker | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:21

Networking can be overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating. Without a purpose and a plan, even those who describe themselves as social or extroverted can face difficulties when thrust into networking situations while those who are shy or see themselves as introverts can struggle even more. When you know your goals, how to position yourself, and what to say to new contacts, you can go into networking situations more confidently, leave a lasting impression, and create deeper connections that can elevate your personal and professional network. This will lead to more credibility as a leader and many more sales opportunities to drive the bottom line. Learn more at:

 #41: 3 Ways to Be an Indispensable Salesperson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:55

When you're an indispensable partner to your prospects and clients, you will sell more, get more referrals, and amplify your reputation as THE go-to thought leader in your industry. In this episode you will learn how to reduce buyer stress and three ways you can be more indispensable so your clients and prospects see you as a trusted and valued partner before any of their other partners. To learn more visit:

 #40: How Real Insights Help You Lead, Sell, & Grow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:59

When you have to make decisions for yourself or help clients, colleagues, or prospects make decisions, it's critical that you dig deeper. In this episode we will talk about how to use the "here's what, so what, now what, then what" framework to drive action and results in sales, leadership, and personal growth. Learn more at:

 #39: Where are YOU on the Spectrum of Awesome? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:15

Your behaviors and mood impact your own performance and how others perceive you as a leader. Learn three ways to get clear on where you're at on the spectrum of awesome so you can lead stronger, sell more, and perform better at work and at home. Get more ideas from Kristen at:

 #38: When Someone Drags You Down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:27

We deal with difficult people every day. Sometimes these people can have a massive impact on our happiness, mood, and success. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will get five insights to help you when someone drags you down.

 #37: Does Your Workplace Culture Suck? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:20

Organizations use their workplace culture as a tool to recruit and retain top talent. From Millennials to Baby Boomers, the right workplace culture can make or break job happiness. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will get five insights to help you know if your workplace culture sucks and could use a change.

 #36: When You're NOT Invited to Happy Hour | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:27

When you work on a team there are a lot of dynamics and groups to juggle. Sometimes you can feel left out when you're not invited to happy hour, you're left out of a conversation, or you generally don't feel like a part of the team. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn seven ways to know why you might feel like an outsider at work and how to fix it.

 #35: The Training Trainwreck | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:41

When you work on a team with high turnover, you have open positions on a team, or you have team members in training, it can cause stress, resentment, and poor team performance. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn five ways to avoid the training trainwreck so you and your team can be more engaged and effective.

 #34: The Fun Factor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:43

The fun factor isn't just for kids. It's critical that we infuse the fun factor into our everyday lives both at home and at work. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn how to identify your own fun factor and how to make it a priority even when life gets busy or stressful.

 #33: Get More Done | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:10

It's easy to get distracted by the busy-ness of today's workplace and world. This can cause unfocused decision-making, poor prioritization, and getting less done than you could if you had the right tools and mindset. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn how to be more productive for the right reasons so you can get more done.

 #32: The Riser Mindset - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:51

When you want to embrace the Riser mindset at work and at home, it requires some specific actions to make it happen. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn the four elements of the RISE code and how you can use it to be more successful.

 #31: The Riser Mindset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:06

Welcome to the Season 2 premiere episode! This season it's all about helping you rise up to lead at work and thrive at home. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn six Riser mindsets.

 #30: The Smart Leaders Toolkit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:46

A strong leader focuses on much more than power and influence. There are critical mindset shifts current and aspiring leaders must make to lead professionally, personally and in their social and family units. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn how to step into leadership both at work and at home.

 #29 - Face Your Fears | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:54

It's easy to get freaked out when stress sets in. But when this fear paralyzes you from taking steps to improve your life, it can have devastating consequences personally and professionally. In this episode of The Happy Hour Effect podcast, you will learn how to face your fears so you can make decisions with confidence and move ahead with your goals.


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