...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want. show

...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

Summary: After messing my life up by making ignorant, naive and sometimes silly choices, I sat down and did what I call an 'introspective retrospective', took responsibility for the choices that I had made, developed The 7 Big Questions and began to take control of my life. A couple of years after implementing the answers I had created from the 7 Big Questions, I had turned my life around 180 degrees. I had a better, more loving and supportive relationship with my lady and myself, I had better control of my finances and wealth creation, I had re-ignited my relationship with my children, I started moving my career goals where I wanted them, I was more focused, clear-headed and joyful as well as having control of my life's direction. My life continues to get better and better as I refine my questions and my answers as I continue my journey. This helps me get closer to achieving more of my goals and helps me cope with challenges as they arise. Developing your 7 Big Questions and your answers can help you take control of your life as well. I have created these podcasts to give you tools to use, exercises to complete as well as hints and tips to start changing your life now. I have told stories to give clarity, inspiration and awareness to all sorts of things in your life and most of all somewhere to start your journey of changing your life for the better. What do you choose to do, keep living a sub-par life that you know is well short of what you really want and are truly capable of achieving or will you dig deep and find out what you can really be, do and have? It's all your choice. Always has been, always will be. All you have to do, is choose to listen in, choose to send an e-mail to the7bigquestions@yahoo.com and ask for my free introductory e-book, choose to create your 7 Big Questions, choose to answer them and then choose to implement the answers. Simple. The next question is; What do you choose?


 A tool for your emotions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 326

Every now and then I do a podcast with a tool in it. This is one I wish i had been aware of years ago when I was going through my dark period. It may very well have made things a little clearer and my ability to cope a bit better.

 A tool for your emotions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 326

Every now and then I do a podcast with a tool in it. This is one I wish i had been aware of years ago when I was going through my dark period. It may very well have made things a little clearer and my ability to cope a bit better.

 How are your moments? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 329

A moment is defined as a period of time measuring two and a half minutes. It's amazing what can happen in a moment!

 How are your moments? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 329

A moment is defined as a period of time measuring two and a half minutes. It's amazing what can happen in a moment!

 Are you caught in groundhog day? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 264

Einstein is quoted as saying that 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result'. We do the same thing every day and expect things to get better. Delusional. We need to break the cycle and consciously change things or it's groundhog day.

 Are you caught in groundhog day? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 264

Einstein is quoted as saying that 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result'. We do the same thing every day and expect things to get better. Delusional. We need to break the cycle and consciously change things or it's groundhog day.

 Are you setting yourself up for success or failure? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 283

Our actions, words and thoughts set us up for success or failure. Which are you doing?

 Are you setting yourself up for success or failure? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 283

Our actions, words and thoughts set us up for success or failure. Which are you doing?

 Mind control techniques | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 473

We've all watched hypnotists and the like at live events, TV shows and even at street performance events. We've all thought how amazing it is to be able to influence how people behave. The funny thing is we can all influence how people react to us and behave. It's dead easy and I can show a couple of things that will make people nicer to you, give you better service when you are out and even have an effect on peoples days after you've left their company.

 Mind control techniques | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 473

We've all watched hypnotists and the like at live events, TV shows and even at street performance events. We've all thought how amazing it is to be able to influence how people behave. The funny thing is we can all influence how people react to us and behave. It's dead easy and I can show a couple of things that will make people nicer to you, give you better service when you are out and even have an effect on peoples days after you've left their company.

 Are you scared or excited? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 439

A number of years ago I went to a seminar by a wealthy man who spoke about his journey. During the seminar he asked this question in regard to our journey and growth. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Now I try to scare myself or excite myself regularly.

 Are you scared or excited? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 439

A number of years ago I went to a seminar by a wealthy man who spoke about his journey. During the seminar he asked this question in regard to our journey and growth. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Now I try to scare myself or excite myself regularly.

 When would now be a good time? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 337

It is something that a lot of people do regularly and with little effort. 'I'll do it tomorrow' is a common phrase. When it comes to the important things in life, like health, relationships, peace of mind, wealth, we tend to keep putting it off. We shouldn't. That's what this podcast is about.

 When would now be a good time? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 337

It is something that a lot of people do regularly and with little effort. 'I'll do it tomorrow' is a common phrase. When it comes to the important things in life, like health, relationships, peace of mind, wealth, we tend to keep putting it off. We shouldn't. That's what this podcast is about.

 How big is your but? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 186

Yes, I have asked you how big is your but? I don't mean your butt, backside or buttocks. I mean your but. Listen in and you'll see what I mean.


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