Voice Lessons.  Learn to sing with these online video and audio singing lessons featuring popular voice coach Shelley Kristen from SingingVoiceLessons.com show

Voice Lessons. Learn to sing with these online video and audio singing lessons featuring popular voice coach Shelley Kristen from SingingVoiceLessons.com

Summary: The Complete Singing Voice Lesson Series, Video and Audio Voice Training program with professional voice coach, Shelley Kristen. These podcasts are a great way to learn how to sing, and are guaranteed to take your voice to the next level! These popular lessons, as found at www.singingvoicelessons.com and various other sites throughout the net, have successfully helped singers from all over the globe. Visit the website at www.singingvoicelessons.com to read entire course descriptions, get free lessons, hear audio samples, and read testimonials from several of our students. This course is designed for everyone from beginners to touring professionals, males and females, and all vocal styles. World Vision Artist, singer, songwriter Shelley Kristen has coached several students to National award winning prominence. One of her students made it into the top seven on American Idol! Her popular training program entitled, "The Complete Singing Voice Lesson Series", covers everything from proper technique, vocal health care, how to breathe properly and associated exercises, warm-up and strengthening exercises, and performance. Shelley's down to earth, contemporary, and easy to understand methods are refreshing in the world of often eccentric, over-the -top vocal instructors. Her most current video project "Total Breathing", is fantastic for singers as well as public speakers and people that want to use a breathing program for stress reduction. See and hear excerpts from this video on this podcast. For Shelley's complete course, and other helpful nuggets for your singing, go to www.singingvoicelessons.com. ENJOY!

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